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Blog Posts

ABA vs FC: What ABA knows about autism, instructional needs, and the harmful effects of inadvertent cues

Acting as if FC Works

Actually there are published authorship results for S2C/RPM…and they aren’t good

A critique of United for Communication Choice’s “facts” page

A final post on autism-related challenges that are supposed to explain away our concerns about FC: motor control, echolalia, and word retrieval

A long history of derision and embarrassment for Syracuse University’s support of FC

A Magician Cannot Dispute FC…Or Can He?

A Message from a Japanese Mom/Blogger with a Child with Autism

An Alternative Interpretation of Unusual Communication? Part I

An Alternative Interpretation of Unusual Communication? Part II

Analysis of “Who’s Doing the Pointing: Investigating Facilitated Communication in a Classroom Setting with Students with Autism”

An Extended Infomercial for Spelling to Communicate via Penn State and All of Our Tax Dollars

An FC Primer

An inside look at S2C: “We actually discourage them from using their speech while they are spelling”

Another Problem for FC: Pseudoscientific Fallacies About Science

Another side effect of FC: Alternative Facts

An Unexpected Glimpse into the Minds of Facilitators: Review of “I Am In Here”

A Pioneer in Independent Communication for Non-Speakers

A psychologist overlooks the science and a journalist, the full story

Are autistic individuals really as socially motivated as the rest of us?

Are autistic individuals “tuning in” or “tuning out” during FC/S2C/RPM sessions?

Are individuals with profound autism “real?”: Bergmann’s “Influence”

Are people who question FC/S2C/RPM evil?

A Review of the Movie Spellers: a Documercial for Spelling to Communicate

A recent eye-tracking study fails to reveal agency in assisted autistic communication

At What Point was Anna Stubblefield Culpable for her Criminal Actions?

Autism and Theory of Mind: a critique of Gernsbacher & Frymiare

Autism is a World is a world

Autism, figurative language, empathy, and “autistic culture”

“Axel” Raises Questions About FC in the Classroom

Back to School Edition: At What Point Do Accommodations Start Resembling Facilitated Communication?

Behind the Glass with Nick and Soma

Can facilitator influence be reduced to co-construction of meaning?

Can facilitators NOT cue their clients, even if they wanted to? (Hint: It’s not likely)

Clever Han(d)s Skepticism and “Ido in Autismland”

Clever Hans: It’s Not About the Horse

Clever Stella (the Dog of Ms. Hunger)

Consumer Health Digest

Coping with RPM: Review of “Far From the Tree”

Critical Questions the CBS LA Reporters Apparently Forgot to Ask About FC

Deconstructing an Interview with Vikram Jaswal

DIRFloortime and RPM at What Cost?

Do Critics of FC “Presume Lack of Competence?” Part I: Calculator and Singer

Do Critics of FC “Presume Lack of Competence?” Part II: Green & Shane

Do Critics of FC “Presume Lack of Competence?” Part III: Jacobson, Mulick & Schwartz

Do Critics of FC “Presume Lack of Competence?” Part IV: Wheeler, Jacobson, Paglieri, and Schwartz

Do Critics of FC “Presume Lack of Competence?” Part V: Review of Broderick and Kasa-Hendrickson

Do Critics of FC “Presume Lack of Competence?” Part VI: In Sum, No.

Do facilitated individuals have motor difficulties that explain away our concerns about FC?

Do facilitated individuals have motor difficulties that explain away our concerns about FC? Part 2

Does a subgroup of minimally-speaking autistic individuals have close-to-normal comprehension skills? A critique of Belmonte et al., 2013

Does “Inside the Edge” Live up to its Claims that FC Leads to Independence?

Does Vermont DAIL’s FC Website Rely Exclusively on Pro-FC Organizations for Guidance?

Do Facilitators Cast Multiple Votes on Election Day?

Do FCed individuals have Telepathic Superpowers?

Do Motor Difficulties Really Explain Speech/Language Difficulties in Autism?

Do “Problematic Behaviors” Vanish with Facilitated Communication?

Do proponents really mean “Ask Me Anything” about spelling (aka FC)?

Facilitated Communication: Holding onto (False) Hope

Facilitated Communication, Neurodiversity, and Human Rights

Facilitated messages attributed to different people show distinctive styles, but this fails to rule out complete facilitator control

Facilitation: In a Completely Different Zone

Falling for Happiness Falls: Is it too much to ask we overcome our skepticism and just believe?

FC and Gender Identity

FC and the Practice of Internal Medicine. How Would That Work Exactly?

FC - Behind the Glass - In No Way Am I Being Cued

FC - Behind the Glass - Session 1

FC-friendly trends in autism diagnoses

FC in the Context of Psychotherapy

FC propaganda and censorship on WHYY TV

FC’s Damage to the Reputations of Institutions

FC/S2C/RPM: Selling the Illusion

Flaws in the Informed Consent Process for FC in VT’s Designated Agency System

Floor Time embraces Facilitated Communication

Four in the Bedroom: Lamentations or Exploitation of Non-Speaking Individuals?

From Eye Tracking to EEGs-anything but a simple message passing test

From Literacy to “Support Needs” to “Communication Boards”: How vague guidelines enable non-evidence based claims and practices

Haskew and Donnellan’s bizarre take on FC

How a critique of FC replaced a critique of ABA in a journal dedicated to free speech

How Effectively does the Ideomotor Response Explain Cueing in Facilitated Communication? Part 1

How Effectively does the Ideomotor Response Explain Cueing in Facilitated Communication? Part 2

How might touch reduce the cognitive load of FCed typers?

How Missed Cues and Wishful Thinking Led Me Astray

How Motivated Reasoning Enables Support for Facilitated Communication

How “non-speaking” and those who call themselves “non-speakers” muddy the waters in facilitated communication

Identifying “Who is Doing the Pointing” is Not Enough

I Have Been Buried Under Years of Autism Miracle Stories

Illusions of literacy in nonspeaking autistic people: a response to Jaswal et al. 2024

Informed Consent for a Discredited Technique?

In support of OTs against FC/S2C/RPM

Is Anything Real in Cujec and Goddard’s book “REAL?”

Is Diminished Joint Attention Really Not a Problem for Word Learning in Autism?

Is Eye Contact Really Overrated?

Is S2C Really a (Christmas) Miracle?

Is there a (socio) pragmatic language impairment in autism, or only a core language impairment?

Is there really no Theory of Mind deficit in autism? Part I: is it all about language instead?

Is there really no Theory of Mind deficit in autism? Part II: the validity of the standard Theory of Mind measures

Is there really no Theory of Mind deficit in autism? Part III: Do Theory of Mind tests fail to predict autistic traits?

Is there really no Theory of Mind deficit in autism? Part IV: Do Theory of Mind tests fail to predict empathy and emotional understanding?

Is there really no Theory of Mind deficit in autism? Part V: Do Theory of Mind tests fail to predict understanding of goals and desires?

Is there really no Theory of Mind deficit in autism? Part VI: problematic references

Is there really nothing inherently atypical about language development in autism?

J.B. Handley and the ever-changing cure for autism

Lit Crit Meets FCed Autism

March 4 & 5, 2021 Power-Up SLP Conference

Mechanical Hand Support and FC

Might non-speaking individuals with autism be brilliant?

Monotropism and Tunnel Vision

Mysterious disappearances in the world of FC: What does it take to sustain the illusion?

Myths about myths, validity, and natural message passing tests, Part 1

Myths about myths, validity, and natural message passing tests, Part 2

“New” Vermont Facilitated Communication Guidelines. Really?

“No More! No More!”

No Need for FC: Bissonette’s Artwork Stands on its Own

NSW Teachers and FC - Too much of a helping hand?

One Big Thought Experiment: Review of “The Reason I Jump”

Peripheral Vision: Perfect for Detecting Facilitator Cues

Putting FC/S2C/RPM to the Test

Questions About “Wretches and Jabberers”

Questions to ask yourself and facilitators while observing FC/S2C/RPM sessions

Rationalizations Abound: Stopping Just Shy of Knowing

Review of A Passion to Believe: Autism and the Facilitated Communication Phenomenon

Review of Deej Q&A

Review of J.B. Handley’s Underestimated: an Autism Miracle

Review of We Walk: Life with Severe Autism

Science prevails in another victory for a Pennsylvania school district

“She understands everything you say”-a myth that promotes FC

Social Deficits Correlate with Motor Deficits: Commentary on the last bit of “research” cited by the pro-FC organization United for Communication Choice

Social Motivation in Autism: A Critique of Jaswal & Akhtar (2019)

Some Clarifications About Message Passing Research for FC and Its Variants

Spellers but not Readers? Do facilitated individuals ever read books?

Strange Science in Iversen’s book “Strange Son”

SpeechWoman Site of the Month

Supplement to the “Anatomy of Facilitated Communication” SkeptiCal Talk

Supplement to the “Neurodiversity and the Legal System” Conference

Taking Shortcuts. A Review of “Contested Words, Contested Science”

The Case of the Disappearing Opposition Statement

The Consequences of “Circling the Wagons”

The NIH falls for FC: How did this happen and is it reversible?

The Reason I Jump: self promotion trumps intellectual honesty, part 1

The Reason I Jump: self promotion trumps intellectual honesty, part 2

The Tragic Story of Gigi Jordan, her son, and FC

The Under-Appreciated Power of Involuntary Muscle Movements-A Review of Herman Spitz

The Unusual and Excessive Hype of FC

The Washington Post chooses a “feel good” story over science

The Washington Post disappoints again

Truth Will Out: Review of Portia Iversen’s “Strange Son”

Uniquely Human: Laying the Groundwork for Belief in FC

Upcoming virtual conference on the use of facilitated communication in individuals with autism!

UPenn and Harvard Extension School Apparently Fooled by FC

Unintended Consequences of No Test Enrollment: FC in College Classrooms

Unraveling Unspoken

Using FC to Dispel Autism Superstitions?

Vermont DAIL’s Commitment to a Discredited Technique

Vermont Allows Abuse Allegation Disclosures and Interviews Using a Discredited Technique

What we can learn about FC, the Pseudo-ESP Phenomenon, and Facilitator Cueing from Kezuka’s “The Role of Touch in Facilitated Communication”

What is Joint Attention and How Does it Relate to FC?

“What is Wrong with FC” NCSA Webinar

What Schools Can Learn about S2C from the Lower Merion School District

Where does all that synesthesia and thinking in pictures come from?

Who’s Behind “Who Decides the Autism Science Agenda?”

Whose Voice is Being Represented? A Review of an FCed Session

Why apraxia can’t explain away the need for physical touch, held-up letter boards, or hovering prompters

Why do some autism experts fall for facilitated communication?

Why does Joint Attention look Atypical in Autism—and does it matter?

Why no one can learn their first language without engaging going attention

Why Non-Speaking Autism Probably Has Nothing to do with Motor Control Problems or Speech Apraxia

Why would a school system be so “dead set against” S2C?