Ackerson, S. (1994). Facilitated communication: A communication breakthrough or breakdown? Beyond Behavior, 5 (2), 13-16. (See Critiques of FC)

Akhtar, N., & Gernsbacher, M. A. (2008). On Privileging the Role of Gaze in Infant Social Cognition. Child development perspectives, 2(2), 59–65. DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-8606.2008.00044.x (See Misleading Articles)

Akhtar, N., & Gernsbacher, M. A. (2007). Joint attention and vocabulary development: A critical look. Language and linguistics compass, 1(3), 195–207. DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-818X.2007.00014.x (See Misleading Articles)

Alexander, B. (2009, December 12). Dark shadows loom over facilitated talk. NBC News. (See False Allegations)

Alferink, Larry A. (2007, Fall/Winter). Educational Practices, Superstitious Behavior and Mythed Opportunities. Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice, 5 (2), 21-30. (See Science and Skepticism)

Allen, R. (2000, July 12). Discredited test led to child abuse nightmare for father. The Evening Standard (London), pp. 2. (See False Allegations)

Andersen, M., Nielbo, K.L., Schjoedt, U. et al. (2018). Predictive minds in Ouija board sessions. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s11097-018-9585-8 (See Ideomotor Response)

Anonymous. (2000, July 26). Facilitated communication not reliable as evidence. The Times (London). (See False Allegations)

Anonymous. (2017, August 4). Daughter of Wolsingham man kept in secure unit for 6 months following false abuse allegations. The Northern Echo. (See False Allegations)

Anonymous. (2014, October 17). Carer: “I fell in love”: Grandma guilty of indecent dealing. Sunshine Coast Daily (Queensland). (See Facilitator Crimes)

Anonymous. (1994). Aids/hiv. Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter. 18 (3), 312-317. (See False Allegations)

Apel, K. & Vandervelde, S. (1993, November). Facilitated communication: One validation study. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Anaheim, CA. (conference paper) (See Controlled Studies)

Ashby, C., Jung, E., Woodfield, C., Vroman, K., and Orsati, F. (2015). ‘Wishing to go it alone’: the complicated interplay of independence, interdependence and agency.’ Disability and Society. 30 (10), 1474-1489. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2015.1108901 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Ashby, C., & Kasa, C. (2013). Pointing forward: typing for academic access, Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 22: 143-156 DOI: 10.1044/aac22.3.143 (See Misleading Articles)

Auerbach, D. (2015, November 12). Facilitated communication is a cult that won’t die. Slate. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Balko, R. (2018, March 8). Junk science leads to father’s wrongful arrest, false accusation of raping his son: The Florida dad couldn’t see his family for months before he was cleared. Washington Post. (See False Allegations)

Bara, B.G., Bucciarelli, M., & Colle, L. (2001). Communicative abilities in autism: Evidence for attentional deficits, Brain and Language, 77: 216-240. DOI: 10.1006/brln.2000.2429 (See Misleading Articles)

Bashan, Y. (2014, November 6). City News: Gigi Jordan Found Guilty in Son’s Death. Wall Street Journal. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Beals, Katharine P. (2024, February 1). Can message-passing anecdotes tell us anything about the validity of RPM and S2C? Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2023.2290298. (See Critiques of FC)

Beals, Katharine P. (2024, February 1). Can message-passing anecdotes tell us anything about the validity of RPM and S2C? Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2023.2290298. (See Critiques of FC)

Beals, Katharine. (2023). Autism Basics with Dr. Katharine Beals. Drexel University School of Education. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Beals, Katharine. (2023, July 27). Sit down, shut up. Index on Censorship. 52 (2). Doi:0.1177/03064220231183821 (See Critiques of FC)

Beals, K. (2022). Cutting-Edge Language and Literacy Tools for Students on the Autism Spectrum. IGI Global. ISBN: 9781799894438. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Beals, K. (2022). Students with Autism: How to Improve Language, Literacy, and Academic Success. John Catt Educational. ISBN: 9781915261373. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Beals, Katharine P. (2022, July 21). Why we should not presume competence and reframe facilitated communication: a critique of Heyworth, Chan & Lawson. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2022.2097872 (See Critiques of FC, Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Beals, Katharine (2021, May 12). A Recent Eye-Tracking Study Fails to Reveal Agency in Assisted Autistic Communication. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2021.1918890 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Beals, Katharine (2021), Beyond Reasonable: a memoir of autism, adoption, and Facilitated Communication.(See FC in the Media: Books)

Beals, Katharine (2021, March 29). Book Review: Autism and the myth of the person alone. Research on Social Work Practice. 1-5. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Beals, Katharine, (2020). Review of Communication Alternatives in Autism. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 17 (3), 361-367. DOI: 10.1080/26408066.2020.1729284. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Beals, Katharine. (2020, December 11). What Scientific Reports Won’t Publish. My Critique of Jawal’s FC/S2C Eye Tracking Study. Catherine and Katharine: Writing and Reading From the Sentence Up. (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Bebko, J. M., Perry, A., & Bryson, S. (1996). Multiple method validation study of facilitated communication: II. Individual differences and subgroups results. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 26, 19-42. DOI: 10.1007/BF02276233 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Beck, A.R. & Pirovano, C.M. (1996). Facilitated communicators’ performance on a task of receptive language. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 26: 497. DOI: 10.1007/BF02172272 (See Controlled Studies)

Beck, B, Warburg, M, Parving, A, Jansen, E, Arendt-Nielsen, Elbro, /C.& Klewe, L. (1992, August). The Copenhegan investigation of assisted communication between severely handicapped persons and their assistants. Paper presented at the World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency. Gold Coast, Australia. (conference papers) (See Controlled Studies)

Bennett, A. (2011). "Freedom herself is very agile, very co-dependent, and a lovely person": The School identities of high school aged youth with communication differences, Disability Studies Quarterly, 31. (See Misleading Articles)

Bernardi, L. and Tuzzi, A. (2011). Analyzing written communication in AAC contexts: A statistical perspective. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 27, 183-194. DOI: 10.3109/07434618.2011.610353 (See Systematic Reviews, Misleading Articles)

Bernardi, L. and Tuzzi, A. (2011). Statistical analysis of textual data from corpora of written communication-New results from Italian Interdisciplinary Research Program (EASIEST). In M. Mohammedi (Ed.), A comprehensive book on autism spectrum disorders (pp. 413-434). (See Systematic Reviews)

Betz, W. (2010, February 22). Facilitated Communication with Coma Patient is Fabricated. Skeptical Inquirer. (See False Claims)

Bigozzi, L., Zanobini, M., Tarchi, C., Cozzani, F., & Camba, R. (2012). Facilitated communication and autistic children: the problem of authorship, Life Span and Disability, 15:2, 55-74 (See Misleading Articles)

Biklen, Douglas, (2005). Autism and the Myth of the Person Alone. NYU Press. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Biklen, D. (1990). Communication unbound: Autism and praxis. Harvard Educational Review, 60, 291-315. DOI: 10.1080/21548331.1992.11705407 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Biklen, Douglas and Cardinal, Donald N. (Eds) (1997). Contested Words, Contested Science: Unraveling the Facilitated Communication Controversy. Teachers’ College Press, Columbia University. ISBN: 0-8077-3601-5 (See FC in the Media: Books)

Biklen, D., Saha, N, & Kliewer, C. (1995). How Teachers Confirm the Authorship of Facilitated Communication: A Portfolio Approach. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities. Vol 20 (1), 45-56. DOI: 10.1177/154079699502000105 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Biklen, D., Morton, MW, Gold, D, Berrigan, C. and Swaminathan, S. (1992). Facilitated Communication: Implications for individuals with autism. Topics in Language Disorders, 12, 1-28. DOI: 10.1097/00011363-199208000-00003 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Biklen, D. and Schubert, A. (1991, November-December). New Words: The Communication of Students with Autism. Remedial and Special Education. Volume 12 (6), pp. 46-57. DOI: 10.1177/074193259101200607 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Biklen, D., Winston Morton, M., Nina Saha, S., Duncan, J. Gold, D., Hardardottir, M., and Rao, S. (1991). “I AMN NOT A UTISTIVC ON THJE TYP” (“I”m not autistic on the typewriter”). Disability, Handicap & Society. Volume 6, 161-180. DOI: 10.1080/02674649166780231 (See Systematic Reviews, Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Bingham, John. (2008, August 1). Teacher’s career is wrecked by ‘lies.’ The Daily Telegraph. London (UK). p. 11 (See False Allegations)

Bligh, S., & Kupperman, P. (1993). Evaluation procedure for determining the source of communication in facilitated communication accepted in a court case. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 23, 553-557. DOI: 10.1007/BF01046056 (See Controlled Studies)

Bligh, S. and Kupperman, P. (1993) Facilitated communication evaluation procedure accepted in a court case. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 23, 553-7. (See Systematic Reviews, False Allegations)

Bomba, C., O'Donnell, L., Markowitz, C., & Holmes D.L. (1996). Evaluating the impact of facilitated communication on the communicative competence of fourteen students with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders; 26(1), 43-58. DOI: 10.1007/BF02276234 (See Controlled Studies)

Bondy, Andrew S. (1997). Book Review: Facilitated Communication Training, Communication Unbound: How Facilitated Communication is Challenging Traditional Views of Autism and Ability/Disability, and Facilitated Communication: The Clinical and Social Phenomenon. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 27 (2), 213-217. (See Critiques of FC)

Bonker, Elizabeth and Breen, Virginia. (2011). I Am In Here: The Journey of a Child with Autism Who Cannot Speak but Finds Her Voice. Revell. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Bonneh, Y.S., Belmonte, M.K., Pei, F., Iversen, P.E., Kenet, T., Akshoomoff, N., Adini, Y., Simon, H.J., Moore, C.I., Houde, J.F., & Merzenich, M.M. (2008). Cross-modal extinction in a boy with severely autistic behaviour and high verbal intelligence, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 25:5, 635-652 DOI: 10.1080/02643290802106415 (See Misleading Articles)

Boodman, S.G. (1995, January 17). Can autistic children be reached through ‘facilitated communication’? Scientists say no. The Washington Post (Final Edition), pp. z01. (See Critiques of FC)

Botash, A.S., Babuts, D., Mitchell, N., O'Hara, M., Lynch, L., & Manuel, J. (1994). Evaluations of children who have disclosed sexual abuse via facilitated communication, Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 148:12, 1282-1287 DOI: 10.1001/archpedi.1994.02170120044007 ( See Misleading Articles)

Boudry, M., Termote, R., and Betz, W. (2010, August). Fabricating Communication. Skeptical Inquirer, 34 (4). (See False Claims)

Bowen, Caroline and Snow, Pamela. (2017). Making Sense of Interventions for children with Developmental Disorders: A Guide for Parents and Professionals. ISBN 978-1-907826-32-0 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Boynton, Janyce. (2021, August 22). Behind the slick production values of “The Reason I Jump”, lies Facilitated Communication. The Skeptic. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

Boynton, Janyce. (2021 March/April). Fresh Thinking or Exploitation? Skeptical Inquirer. Vol 45 (2), 60-61. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

Boynton, J. (2021 March 24). Rapid Prompting Method: A New Form of Communicating? Hardly. The Skeptic. (See Critiques of FC)

Boynton, J. (2012). Facilitated Communication—what harm it can do: Confessions of a former facilitator. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 6:1, 3-13. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2012.674680 (See False Allegations)

Braadbaart, L., Waiter, G., and Williams, J. (2012, October 16). Neural correlates of individual differences in manual imitation fidelity. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fnint.2012.00091 (See Misleading Articles)

Braman, BJ, Brady, MP, Linehan,SL, & Williams, RE. (1995). Facilitated communication for children with autism: An examination of face validity. Behavioral Disorders. Vol 21 (1); 110-118. DOI: 10.1177/019874299502100102 (See Controlled Studies)

Brasier, L L. (2008, January 29). BRIEF: Judge to hear more testimony on autistic girl testifying. McClatchy - Tribune Business News (Washington) (See False Allegations)

Brasier, L L; Wisely, J. (2008, January 27). Autistic child's testimony a concern: Hearing could be closed in abuse case. McClatchy-Tribune Business News (Washington) (See False Allegations)

Brasier, L L; Wisely, J. (2007, December 18). Abuse case hinges on a keyboard West Bloomfield: Autistic girl typed dad raped her, aide says. McClatchy-Tribune Business News (Washington) (See False Allegations)

Brushwood, Brian, Murphy, Jason, and Diamond, Joe. (2021, October 27). How to Easily Debunk Ouija Board “Ghosts.” The Modern Rogue. (See Ideomotor Response)

Burgess, C.A., Kirsch, I., Shane, H., Niederauer, K.L., Graham, S.M., Bacon, A. (January 1998). Facilitated Communication as an Ideomotor Response. Psychological Science, 9(1), 71-74. (See Ideomotor Response)

Burke, Michael. (2016, April 11). Double Talk: Syracuse University institute continues to use discredited technique with dangerous effects. The Daily Orange. (See Critiques of FC)

Burke, Michael. (2018, March 19). Educator trained in discredited communication method at SU pleads guilty to criminal sexual contact. The Daily Orange. (See Critiques of FC, Facilitator Crimes)

Burke, Michael (2016, April 11). How facilitators control words typed in facilitated communication without realizing. The Daily Orange. (See Critiques of FC, Ideomotor Response)

Burke, Michael. (2016, April 11). Why experts say evidence cited by facilitated communication advocates is flawed. The Daily Orange. (See Critiques of FC)

Cabay, M. (1994). Brief report: A controlled evaluation of facilitated communication using open-ended and fill-in questions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Vol 24 (4): 517. DOI: 10.1007/BF021721321 (See Controlled Studies)

Calculator, S.N. & Hatch, E.R. (1995). Validation of facilitated communication: A case study and beyond. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 4, 49-58. DOI: 10.1044/1058-0360.0401.49 (See Controlled Studies)

Calculator, S.N. and Singer, K.M. (1992, November). Letter to the editor: Preliminary validation of facilitated communication. Topics in Language Disorders, 13 (1), ix-xvi. (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Camarata, Stephen. (2023), April 17). Stolen Voices: Facilitated Communication Devalues Autism: Autistic people using AAC have a right to message authorship protections. Psychology Today. (See Critiques of FC)

Campbell, D. (2010, February 20), ‘Miracle’ patient cannot communicate after all. The Guardian. London, UK. (See False Claims)

Cardinal, D., & Falvey, M. (2014). The Maturing of Facilitated Communication: A Means Toward Independent Communication.
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 39:3, 189-194. 10.1177/1540796914555581 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Cardinal, D.N., Hanson, D., and Wakeham, J. (1996, August). Investigation of authorship in facilitated communication. Mental Retardation, 34 (4), 231-42. (See Systematic Reviews, Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Casanova, Manuel. (2019, June 26). A Triple Victory: Three Wikipedia Articles Promoting Facilitated Communication Are Deleted. Cortical Chauvinism. (See Critiques of FC)

Casert, R. (2009, November 29). Locked in his body after 23 years, man communicates with touchscreen. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Pittsburgh, PA, pp. A.4 (See False Claims)

Casert, R. (2009, November 25). Injured man’s words bring hope, skepticism: Bioethicist says speech therapist may have helped. Boston Globe, pp. A.5. (See False Claims)

Cengher, M., Budd, A., Farrell, N., & Fienup, D. (2018). A Review of Prompt-Fading Procedures: Implications for Effective and Efficient Skill Acquisition, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30:155-173 (See Misleading Articles)

Chandler, M.A. (2017, March 1). Parents want to give their autistic children a voice in schools, but scientists call their technique ‘false hope.’ Washington Post. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Chang, Y.S., Owen, J. P., Desai, S.S., Hill, S.S., Arnett, A.B., Harris, J., Marco, E.J., & Mukherjee, P. (2014). Autism and sensory processing disorders: shared white matter disruption in sensory pathways but divergent connectivity in social-emotional pathways, PloS One, 9:7, e103038 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103038 (See Misleading Articles)

Chen, J. and Nankervis, K. (2015, February 3). Stolen voices: Facilitated communication is an abuse of human rights. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 8 (3), 151-156. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2014.1001549 (See Critiques of FC)

Chen, G.M., Yoder, K.J., Ganzel, B.L., Goodwin, M.S., and Belmonte, M.K. (2012, February), Harnessing repetitive behaviours to engage attention and learning in a novel therapy for autism: An exploratory analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 3 (12), 1-16. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00012 (See Critiques of FC, Misleading Articles)

Chideya, F. (1993, February 28). The Language of Suspicion: With an Adult’s Hand Supporting Hers, an Autistic Child Who’d Never Spoken Could Type Messages on a Keyboard. It Seemed Like a Miracle—Until the Messages Changed. Los Angeles Times. (See False Allegations)

Choulnard, Kyle. (February 2024). Mixed messages: How facilitated communication persists at SU. The Daily Orange. (See Critiques of FC)

Clarkson, G. (1994). Creative music therapy and facilitated communication: New ways of reaching students with autism. Preventing School Failure, 28, 31-33. DOI: 10.1080/1045988X.1994.9944301 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Committee on Children with Disabilities. (1998, August). Auditory integration training and facilitated communication for autism. Pediatrics, 102 (2), 431-433. (See Critiques of FC)

Condillac, R., and Perry, A. (2003). Evidence-based practices for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: Review of literature and practice guide. Children’s Mental Health. Ontario. Toronto, ON. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Coughlin, E.K. (1994, March 9). A new path to speech? Or an illusion?: Communication method for the disabled sharply divides researchers. The Chronicle of Higher Education. (See Critiques of FC)

Courchesne, V., Meilleur, A.-A.S., Poulin-Lord, M.-P., Dawson, M., & Soulières, I. (2015). Autistic children at risk of being underestimated: school-based pilot study of a strength-informed assessment, Molecular Autism, 6:12. DOI: 10.1186/s13229-015-0006-3 (See Misleading Articles)

Courenay-Smith, Natasha. (2008, August 27). Presumed Guilty. Daily Mail. London, (UK). p. 34 (See False Allegations)

Coyne, Jerry. (2023, May 17). Nature falls for one discredited aspect of autism: “facilitated communication.Why Evolution is True. (See Critiques of FC)

Crews, W. D., Sanders, E. C., Hensley, L. G., Johnson, Y. M., Bonaventura, S., Rhodes, R. D., & Garren, M. P. (1995). An evaluation of facilitated communication in a group of nonverbal individuals with mental retardation. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 25, 205-213. DOI: 10.1007/BF02178505 (See Controlled Studies)

Crossley, Rosemary (1997), Speechless: Facilitating Communication for People Without Voices. Dutton. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Crossley, R. (1992). Getting the words out: Case studies in facilitated communication training. Topics in Language Disorders, 12, 46-59. DOI: 10.1097/00011363-199208000-00005 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Cummins, R.A., and Prior, M.P. (1992, Summer). Autism and assisted communication: A response to Biklen. Harvard Educational Review, 62 (2), 228-242. DOI: 10.17763/haer.62.2.p86j20536017732 (See Critiques of FC)

Daily Orange Editorial Board. (2016, April 12). Syracuse University’s reinforcement of facilitated communication inexcusable, concerning. The Daily Orange. (See Critiques of FC)

Daly, K. & Celiberti, D. (2021). A Treatment summary of Rapid Prompting Method. Science in Autism Treatment, 18 (1). (See Critiques of FC)

Datlow Smith, M. and Belcher, R.G. (1993) Facilitated communication with adults with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 23, 175-83. (See Systematic Reviews)

Deacy, E., Jennings, F., & O’Halloran, A. (2016). Rapid Prompting Method (RPM): A suitable intervention for students with ASD? REACH Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland, 29:2, 92-100 (See Misleading Articles)

DeBoer, Freddie (2023, September 22). Review: Chasing the Intact Mind, by Amy Lutz. Freddie DeBoer (Substack) (See Critiques of FC)

DeGrassa, Peg. (2020, October 29). Delaware County man with autism discovers way to communicate, publishes book. DelcoTimes. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Devine, Darren (2012, November 13). Daughter taken from parents after unproven abuse claims; Doctor used wrong method to question autistic woman. The Western Mail. Edition 1, p. 15. (See False Allegations)

Dickerson, B. (2008, February 6). Crying rape through an Ouija board. McClatchy-Tribune Business News. (Washington). (See False Allegations)

Dickerson, B. (2008, March 17). A legal horror show tears Oakland Co. family apart. McClatchy-Tribune Business News (Washington). (See False Allegations)

Dienst, Jonathan and Miller, Myles. (2023, January 4). Death of Pharma Millionaire who Killed 8-Year-Old Son in Manhattan Hotel Ruled Suicide. NBC New York. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Dillon, K. (1993). Facilitated Communication, Autism, and Ouija. The Skeptical Inquirer, 17 (3), 281-287. (See Ideomotor Response)

Dillow, Gordon. (1993, January 24). Teacher says method that helps disabled ruined him. Courts: Autism sufferers, using a ‘facilitator’ to communicate, accused teacher of sexual assault. Charges dropped but he plans to sue for $2.5 million. Los Angeles Times (Home Edition), pp. 1 (See False Allegations)

Dobnik, V. (2010, February 26). Broken mom killed autistic son, police say; Why I can’t cross over to selfish side. South Florida Sun-Sentinel. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Dougherty, M.V. (2018, January). Contested authorship, self-plagiarism, and the scholarly record: In the aftermath of plagiarism. In book: Correcting the Scholarly Record for Research Integrity, pp. 197-219. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99435-2_7 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Eberlin, M., McConnachie, G., Ibel, S., & Volpe, L. (1993).Facilitated communication: A failure to replicate the phenomenon. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 23(3), 507-530. DOI: 10.1007/BF01046053 (See Controlled Studies, Systematic Reviews)

Edelson, S. M., Rimland, B., Berger, C. L., & Billings, D. (1998). Evaluation of a mechanical hand-support for facilitated communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 28, 153-157. DOI: 10.1023/A:1026044716536 (See Controlled Studies, Ideomotor Response)

Elliott, J. (2016, July 20). The battle over a controversial method for autism communication. The Atlantic. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Emerson, Grayson, and Griffiths. (2001). Can't or Won't? Evidence relating to authorship in Facilitated Communication. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 36 Supplemental: 98-103. DOI: 10.3109/13682820109177866 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Emory Health Sciences. (2015, February 26). Why debunked autism treatment fads persist. Science Daily. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Engber, Daniel. (2018, April 5). The Strange Case of Anna Stubblefield - Revisted. New York Times. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Engber, Daniel. (2015, October 25). The Strange Case of Anna Stubblefield. New York Times. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Erevelles, N. (2002). Voices of Silence: Foucault, Disability, and the Question of Self-determination, Studies in Philosophy and Education, 21:17-35 DOI: 10.1023/A:1014473121819 (See Misleading Articles)

Escher, Jill. (2021, January 5). The Reason I Jump: D- Documentary, A+ Propaganda. National Counsel on Severe Autism. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

Faure, Patrick, Legou, Thierry, and Gepner, Bruno. (2021, January 14). Evidence of Authorship on Messages in Facilitated Communication: A Case Report Using Accelerometry. Frontiers in Psychiatry. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.543385 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Fazio, Marie. (2020, January 6). 17-year-old Highland Park boy with nonverbal autism blogs to reach others like him: ‘People need to stop underestimating us.’ Chicago Tribune. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Felce, David. (1994). Facilitated Communication: Results from a Number of Recently Published Evaluations. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. Vol. 22. (See Systematic Reviews)

Finkl, T., Hahne, A., Friederici, A.D., Gerber, J., Mürbe, D., & Anwander, A. (2020). Language without speech: segregating distinct circuits in the human brain, Cerebral Cortex, 30(2): 812-823. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhz128 (See Misleading Articles)

Flaherty, Colleen. (2018, March 23). Former Professor Admits to Assaulting Disabled Man. Inside Higher Ed. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Focaroli, V., Taffoni, F., Parsons, S.M., Keller, F., & Iverson, J.M. (2016). Performance of motor sequences in children at heightened vs. low risk for ASD: A longitudinal study from 18 to 36 months of age, Frontiers in Psychology, 7:724 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00724 (See Misleading Articles)

Foster, Craig A., (2019) Deej-a Vu: Documentary revisits facilitated communication pseudoscience. Behavioral Interventions. Vol 34 (4); 577-586. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

French, C., and Marshall, M. (2018, February 5). Why communication from a locked in child is a miracle we must question. The Guardian. (See Critiques of FC)

Ganz, J., Katsiyannis, A., Morin, K.L. (2018). Facilitated communication: The resurgence of a disproven treatment for individuals with autism. Intervention in School and Clinic, 54 (1), 52-56. DOI: 10.1177/1053451217692564 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Gardiner, M. (2001, January/February). Facilitated communication: A cruel farce. Skeptical Inquirer, 17-19. (See Critiques of FC)

Gardiner S. (2011, August 11). Mercy Killing Defense Claim Will Be Tested. The Wall Street Journal. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Gerbic, S. (2017, April 3). Facilitated Communication on Wikipedia gets an update. Skeptical Inquirer. (See Science and Skepticism)

Gerl, James. (2019, December 15). Pennsylvania Special Education Hearing Officer: Final Decision and Order - Redacted. ODR File Number: 21855/18-18AS (See FC and the Legal System)

Gernsbacher, M.A. (2004). Language is More than Speech: A Case Study. Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders. 8, 79-96. (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Gernsbacher, M. A., & Frymiare, J. L. (2005). Does the autistic brain lack core modules? The Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, 9, 3–16. 10.1016/B978-0-12-407794-2.00070-5 (See Misleading Articles)

Gernsbacher, M. A., Morson, E. M., & Grace, E. J. (2016). Language and speech in autism. Annual Review of Linguistics, 2, 413–425. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-linguist-030514-124824 (See Misleading Articles)

Gernsbacher, M.A., Morson, E. M., & Grace, E. J.  (2015). Language development in autism. In G. Hickok & S. L. Small (eds.) Neurobiology of Language, 879-886. Academic Press. DOI: (See Misleading Articles)

Gernsbacher, M. A., & Pripas-Kapit, S. R. (2012). Who's Missing the Point? A Commentary on Claims that Autistic Persons Have a Specific Deficit in Figurative Language Comprehension. Metaphor and symbol, 27(1), 93–105. (See Misleading Articles)

Gernsbacher, M. A., Sauer, E. A., Geye, H. M., Schweigert, E. K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2008). Infant and toddler oral- and manual-motor skills predict later speech fluency in autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49, 43-50. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2007.01820.x (See Misleading Articles)

Gernsbacher, Sauer, Geye, Schweigert, and Goldsmith (2008). Why does joint attention look atypical in autism.  Child Development Perspectives, 2(1), 38–45. DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-8606.2008.00039.x (See Misleading Articles)

Gernsbacher, M. A., & Yergeau, M. (2019). Empirical Failures of the Claim That Autistic People Lack a Theory of Mind. Archives of scientific psychology, 7(1), 102–118. DOI: 10.1037/arc0000067 (See Misleading Articles)

Geschke, Norman. (1993, May 10). Report on the Investigation of a Complaint of Unjust Dismissal Because of Allegations Made by Facilitated Communication. Melbourne: L.V. North, Government Printer. (See False Allegations)

Gilpeer, Valerie and Grodin, Emily (2021). I Have Been Buried Under Years of Dust: A Memoir of Autism and Hope. William Morrow. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Gladue, B.A. (1994, September 7, 1994). Psychologists condemn “facilitated communication”. The Chronicle of Higher Education. (See Critiques of FC)

Goldacre, B. (2009, December 5). Bad Science: Making contact with a helping hand. The Guardian. London, UK, pp. 13. (See False Claims)

Gomstyn, A. (2012, January 7). Not just the Wendrows: Sex abuse cases dismissed after facilitated communication. ABC News. (See False Allegations)

Gorman, B.J. (2011). Psychology and Law in the Classroom: How the Use of Clinical Fads in the Classroom may Awaken the Educational Malpractice Claim. Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal, 2011 (1), 29-50. (See FC and the Legal System)

Gorman, B.J. (1999). Facilitated Communication: Rejected in Science, Accepted in Court—A Case Study and Analysis of the Use of FC Evidence under Frye. Behavioral Sciences and the Law. (17), 517-541. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7036-3 (See FC and the Legal System)

Gorman, B.J. (1998). Facilitated communication in America: Eight years and counting, 6 (3), 64. Skeptic. (See Critiques of FC)

Grayson, A., Emerson, A., Howard-Jones, P., and O’Neil, L. (2012). Hidden communicative competence: Case study evidence using eye-tracking and video analysis. Autism. 16 (1); 75-86. DOI: 10.1177/1362361310393260 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Green, G. (1995, Fall). An ecobehavioral interpretation of the facilitated communication phenomenon. Psychology in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 21 (2), 1-8. (See Critiques of FC)

Green, G. (1994). “Facilitated Communication - Mental Miracle or Sleight of Hand?” Skeptic Magazine. (See Ideomotor Response)

Green, G., Chellquist, K, Krendel-Ames, S. Ross, S. & MacDonald, R. (1993, May). Analyzing the source of "facilitated" communications. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago. (conference paper). (See Controlled Studies)

Green, G., Jacobson, J.W., and Shane, H.C. (1994, December 7). Controversial technique sparks questions. The Chronicle of Higher Education. (See Critiques of FC)

Green, Gina; Shane, Howard C. (Fall, 1994). Science, Reason, and Facilitated Communication. Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, vol. 19(3), 151-72. (See Critiques of FC, FC and the Legal System)

Hall, G.A. (1993). Facilitator control as automatic behavior: A verbal behavior analysis. Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 11, 89-97. (See Ideomotor Response)

Hall, Harriet. (2022, March 29). Videos Said to be “Proof” that Nonverbal Autistics Can Communicate by Spelling. Science-Based Medicine. (See Critiques of FC)

Handley, J.B. and Handley, Jamison. (2021). Underestimated: An Autism Miracle. Skyhorse. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Healy, M. (2011, April 6). New film gives voice to a nearly silent minority. USA Today., pp. ARC. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

Heckler. S (1994). Facilitated communication: A response by child protection. Child Abuse and Neglect, 18, 495-503. DOI: 10.1016/0145-2134(94)90003-51 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Heinrichs, P. (1993, January 17). 'Carla' cost may force family to sell home. Sunday Age, Melbourne, Australia, Late Edition, pp. 6 (See False Allegations)

Heinrichs, P. (1992, September 13). Carla payment hope. Sunday Age, Melbourne, Australia, Late Edition, pp. 8 (See False Allegations)

Heinrichs, P. (1992, September 6). New ordeal for 'Carla' family. Sunday Age, Melbourne, Australia, Late Edition, pp. 7 (See False Allegations)

Heinrichs, P. (1992, May 31). 'Carla' case prompts overhaul of system. Sunday Age, Melbourne, Australia, Late Edition, pp. 10 (See False Allegations)

Heinrichs, P. (1992, May 17). US courts to rule on disability method. Sunday Age, Melbourne, Australia, Late Edition, pp. 9 (See False Allegations)

Heinrichs, P. (1992, April 12). Taxpayers will foot bill for 'Carla' case. Sunday Age, Melbourne, Australia, Late Edition, pp. 11 (See False Allegations)

Heinrichs, P. (1992, February 23). More families take on CSV 'zealots'. Sunday Age, Melbourne, Australia, Late Edition, pp. 7 (See False Allegations)

Heinrichs, P. (1992, February 23). 'Tortured' family may call for probe on facilitated evidence. Sunday Age, Melbourne, Australia, Late Edition, pp. 8 (See False Allegations)

Heinrichs, P. (1992, February 16). State 'tortured' family – 'tragic'. Sunday Age (Melbourne, Australia) Late Edition, pp. 1 (See False Allegations)

Heinrichs, P. (1992, February 16). Suffering at the Hands of the Protectors. The Sunday Morning Herald. (See False Allegations)

Heinzen, T., Lilienfeld, S., Nolan, S.A. (2015). The Horse That Won’t Go Away: Clever Hans, Facilitated Communication, and the Need for Clear Thinking. McMillan Learning ISBN 978-1464145742 (See Ideomotor Response)

Hemsley, B., Bryant, L., Schlosser, R.W., Shane, H.C., Lang, R., Paul, D, Banajee, M., Ireland, M. (2018). Systematic review of facilitated communication 2014-2018 finds no new evidence that messages delivered using facilitated communication are authored by the person with disability. Autism and Developmental Language Impairments, 3, 1-8. DOI: 10.1177/2396941518821570 (See Systematic Reviews)

Hemsley, B. and Dann, S. (2014) Social media and social marketing in relation to facilitated communication: Harnessing the affordances of social media for knowledge translation. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 8 (4), 187-206. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2015.1023988 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Hemsley, B., Shane, H., Todd, J.T., Schlosser, R., and Lang, R. (2018, May 22). It’s time to stop exposing people to the dangers of facilitated communication. The Conversation. (See Critiques of FC)

Heyworth, M., Chan, T., & Lawson W. (2022). Presuming autistic communication competence and reframing facilitated communication. Frontiers in Psychology. (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Hills, K., Clapton, J., Dorsett, P., & Andersen, K. (2020). Conducting research with people with nonverbal autism: An inclusive methodological approach, Journal of Social Inclusion, 11:1 DOI: 10.36251/josi.162 (See Misleading Articles)

Hirshoren, A., & Gregory, J. (1995). Further negative findings of facilitated communication. Psychology in the Schools, 32, 109-113. DOI: 10.1002/1520-6807(199504)32:2<109::AID-PITS2310320206>3.0.CO;2-0 (See Controlled Studies)

Hitt, T. (2018, April 5). With communication method debunked, charges against autistic boy’s father dropped. Miami Herald. (See False Allegations)

Hoffmann, T. (2018, August 7). Ouija board study highlights ineffective treatment for autism. Science Nordic. (See Ideomotor Response)

Holehan, K., and Zane, T. (2020). Is there Science Behind that? Facilitated Communication. Science in Autism Treatment. 17(5) (See Critiques of FC)

Hostler, Sharon L. (1996, April). Facilitated Communication. Pediatrics. 97 (4). Published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. (See Critiques of FC)

Hudson, A. (1995). Disability and facilitated communication: A critique. Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, 17, 197-232. (See Critiques of FC)

Hudson, A., Melita, B. and Arnold, N. (1993). A case study assessing the validity of facilitated communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 23, 165-73. (See Systematic Reviews)

Hudson, A., Melita, B. and Arnold, N. (1993). Assessing the validity of facilitated communication: A case study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 23, 165-173. DOI: 10.1007/BF01066425 (See Controlled Studies)

Hyman, Ray. (2003, August 26). How people are fooled by ideomotor action. Quackwatch. (See Ideomotor Response)

Iacono, T., Trembath, D., & Erickson, S. (2016). The role of augmentative and alternative communication for children with autism: current status and future trends. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12: 2349–2361. DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S95967 (See Misleading Articles)

Inderbitzen, Sean M. (2021). Book Review: I have been buried underneath years of dust: a memoir of autism and hope. Research on Social Work Practice. Vol 31 (6), 676-678. DOI: 10497315211024729. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Itkowitz, Colby. (2016, May 19). This nonspeaking teenager wrote an incredibly profound letter explaining autism. The Washington Post. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Iversen, Portia (2006). Strange Son: Two Mothers, Two Sons, and the Quest to Unlock the Hidden World of Autism. Riverhead Books. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Jacobson, J.W., Foxx, R.M., and Mulick, J.A. (2005). Controversial therapies for developmental disabilities: Fad, fashion, and science in professional practice. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. ISBN: 978-1138802230 (See Critiques of FC)

Jacobson, J.W., and Mulick, J.A. (1994). Facilitated Communication: Better Education Through Applied Ideology. Journal of Behavioral Education. 4 (1), 93-105. (See Critiques of FC)

Jacobson, J.W., Mulick, J.A., and Schwartz, A.A. (1995, September). A history of facilitated communication: Science, pseudoscience, and antiscience. Science Working Group on Facilitated Communication. American Psychologist. 50 (9), 750-765. (See Critiques of FC, Systematic Reviews)

Janzen-Wilde, M.L., Duchan, J.F., and Higginbotham, D.J. (1995, June). Successful Use of Facilitated Communication with an Oral Child. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research. 38 (3), 658-676. DOI: 10.1044/jshr.3803.658 (See Systematic Reviews, Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Jarry, Jonathan. (2019, November 8). Who is Doing the Pointing When Communication is Facilitated. McGill Office for Science and Society. (See Critiques of FC)

Jaswal, V.K., & Akhtar, N. (2019). Being versus appearing socially uninterested: Challenging assumptions about social motivation in autism, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42, e82: 1-73 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X18001826 (See Misleading Articles)

Jaswal, V.K., Wayne, A. & Golino, H. (2020) Eye-tracking reveals agency in assisted autistic communication. Scientific Reports 10, 7882. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-64553-9 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Johnson, B., Rinehart, N., Papadopoulos, N., Tonge, B, Millist, L., White, O., and Fielding, J. (2012, November 7). A closer look at visually guided saccades in autism and Asperger’s disorder. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fnint.2012.00099 (See Misleading Articles)

Jones, David P.H. (1994). Autism, Facilitated Communication and Allegations of Child Abuse and Neglect. Child Abuse and Neglect. 18 (6), 491-493. DOI: 10.1016/0145-2134(94)90002-7 (FC and the Legal System)

Kallstrom, S., Piazza, C., Hunt, L. & Owen, J. (1993, May). Experimental analysis of facilitated communication training with developmentally disabled and autistic clients. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago. (Conference paper) (See Controlled Studies)

Kent-Walsh, J., & McNaughton, D. (2005). Communication Partner Instruction in AAC: Present Practices and Future Directions. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 21 (3), 195-204. DOI: 10.1080/07434610400006646 (See Misleading Articles)

Kerrin, R. G., Murdock, J. Y., Sharpton, W. R., & Jones, N. (1998). Who's doing the pointing? Investigating facilitated communication in a classroom setting with students with autism. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 13, 73-79. DOI: 10.1177/108835769801300202 (See Controlled Studies, Ideomotor Response)

Kezuka, Emiko. (2002). A History of the Facilitated Communication Controversy. Japanese Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (See Systematic Reviews)

Kezuka, E. (1999). Review of (ed.) D. Biklen & D. N. Cardinal, Contested Words Contested Science: Unraveling the Facilitated Communication ControversyAutism, vol. 3, 205- 207. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Kezuka, E. (1997). The role of touch in facilitated communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 27, 571-593. DOI: 10.1023/A:1025882127478 (See Controlled Studies, Ideomotor Response)

Kezuka, E. (1999). Review of (ed.) D. Biklen & D. N. Cardinal, Contested Words Contested Science: Unraveling the Facilitated Communication ControversyAutism, vol. 3, 205- 207. (See Critiques of FC)

Kedar, Ido. (2018, September 24). I Was Born Unable to Speak, and a Disputed Treatment Saved Me. Wall Street Journal. A.19. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Kedar, Ido. (2012). Ido in Autismland: Climbing out of Autism’s Silent Prison. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Kim, Yehyun. (2020, January 2). Kids with autism learn to speak with hands, by spelling to communicate. USA Today. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Klewe, L. (1993). An empirical evaluation of spelling boards as a means of communication for the multihandicapped. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 23, 559-66. (See Systematic Reviews)

Klewe, Lars. (1993). Brief report: An empirical evaluation of spelling boards as a means of communication for the multi-handicapped. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Vol. 23 (3). 553-557. DOI: 10.1007/BF01046057 (See Controlled Studies)

Lane, Sandra D. and Rubinstein, Robert A.. (2018, April 1). Syracuse University faculty respond to letter to the editor endorsing facilitated communication. The Daily Orange. (See Critiques of FC)

Lang, R., Tostanoski, A.H., Travers, J., and Todd, J. (2014). The only study investigating the rapid prompting method has serious methodological flaws but data suggest the most likely outcome is prompt dependency. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 8 (1), 40-48. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2014.955260 (See Critiques of FC)

Leonet, Oihana, et. al. (2022, July 6). A Systematic Review of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Interventions for Children Aged From 0 to 6 Years. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. 1-27. DOI: 10.1044/2022_LSHSS-21-00191. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Lilienfeld, S.O. (2007). Psychological Treatments That Cause Harm. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2, 53. (See Treatments that Cause Harms)

Lilienfeld, S.O. (2005). Scientifically Unsupported and Supported Interventions for Childhood Psychopathology: A Summary. Pediatrics, 115 (3), 761-764. (See Treatments that Cause Harms)

Lilienfeld, S., (2014). The Persistence of fad interventions in the face of negative scientific evidence: Facilitated communication for autism as a case example. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 8 (2), 62-101. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2014.976332 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Linus, G. (2000, July 13). News: Discredited device led to abuse claim. The Daily Telegraph (London), pp. 5. (See False Allegations)

London, William (ed.). (2023, June 11) Autism expert slams movie promoting facilitated communication technique. Consumer Health Digest, Issue #23-24. National Council Against Health Fraud Archive. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

London, William M. (ed.) (2023, May 21).Nature criticized for promoting facilitated communication. Consumer Health Digest, Issue #23-21. National Council Against Health Fraud Archive. . (See Critiques of FC)

London, W. (2021, September 26). Facilitated Communication Validation Study Criticized. Consumer Health Digest. Issue 21-38. (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

London, W., and Barrett, S. (2018, May 20). Facilitated Communication practitioner sentenced. Consumer Health Digest. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Lutz, Amy (2023, May 24). Call on Researchers, Not Filmmakers, to Test Facilitated Communication: A Commentary on Spellers. NCSA. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

Lutz, Amy S.F. (2023, October 3). Chasing the Intact Mind: How the Severely Autistic and Intellectually Disabled Were Excluded from the Debates That Affect Them Most. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780197683842 (See Critiques of FC)

Lutz, Amy S.F. (2023, April, 14). The Need for Evidence-Based Interventions in Autism: Why is the Autism Society of America highlighting facilitated communication? Psychology Today. (See Critiques of FC)

Ly, L. (2015, May 28). New York businesswoman sentenced to 18 years for son’s death. CNN. (See Facilitator Crimes)

MacDonald, Michael (2021, June 28). Wrongly accused of sexually abusing his daughter, PEI man sues RCMP and group home. (See False Allegations)

MacDonald, Michael. (2016, July 1). P.E.I. family shares nightmare story of battling ‘false’ sex-assault allegations. The Globe and Mail. (See False Allegations)

MacNeil, L.K., & Mostofsky, S.H. (2012). Specificity of dyspraxia in children with autism, Neuropsychology, 26:2, 165-171 DOI: 10.1037/a0026955 (See Misleading Articles)

Madigan, Brian. (2005, November 17). New dean’s theories questionable. The Daily Orange. (See Critiques of FC)

Magee, Dennis. (2016). Fayla Cannon trial begins in Buchanan County. The Courier. (See False Allegations)

Magee, Dennis. (2016, May 31). Jurors return six verdicts of not guilty in Fayla Cannon trial. Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courior. Cedar Falls, Iowa. (See False Allegations)

Mann, L.B. (2005, February 22). Oscar Nominee: Documentary or Fiction?; Film resurrects discredited autism tactic. The Washington Post (Final Edition); pp. F01. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

Marks, H.E., Conrad, T. & Hart, P. (1993, June). Facilitated communication: An empirical demonstration. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation, Chicago. (conference paper) (See Controlled Studies)

Margolin, K. N. (1994). How shall facilitated communication be judged? Facilitated communication and the legal system. Facilitated Communication: The Clinical and Social Phenomenon. (pp. 227–257). San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing. ISBN-1-56593-341-9. (See FC and the Legal System)

Martindale, Mike. (2008, February 6). Autistic girl in abuse case allowed to stay at school. Detroit News, Detroit, Michigan. (See False Allegations)

Mazerolle, P. and Legosz, M. (2012). Facilitated communication & augmented and alternative communication: A review. Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. 1-272. (See Critiques of FC)

McKee, A. and Gomez, A. (2020). The Voices of Typers: Examining the Educational Experiences of Individuals who Use Facilitated Communication. Disabilities Studies Quarterly. 40 (4). (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

McKinley, JC. (2014, November 5). Gigi Jordan Convicted of Manslaughter, Not Murder, in Son’s Killing. New York Times. (See Facilitator Crimes)

McMahon, Loren, F., Shane, Howard C., Schlosser, Ralf W. 30 Sep 2023): Using occupational therapy principles and practice to support independent message generation by individuals using AAC instead of facilitated communication, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, DOI: 10.1080/07434618.2023.2258398 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

McNaughton, D., & Light, J. (2015). What we write about when we write About AAC: The past 30 years of research and future directions. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 31:4, 261-270. DOI: 10.3109/07434618.2015.1099736 (See Misleading Articles)

McQuiddy, V. and Brennan, A.M. (2016). Occupational Therapy using Rapid Prompting Method: A Case Report. Autism Open Access. 6, 1. DOI: 10.4172/2165-7890.1000165 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Meister, Miranda. (2019, December 31). After years with no way to communicate, Newburgh teen finds her voice. Tristate. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Meyer, Eugene L. (1994, April 23). Autistic girl barred from testifying. The Washington Post. (See False Allegations)

Meyer, Eugene L. (1993, December 27). Autistic girl’s rape case heightens debate over ‘Facilitated Communication.’ The Washington Post. (See False Allegations)

Miller, Stuart. (2021, April 9). It took a woman with autism 25 years to find her voice. Now she’s telling her story. Washington Post. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Mintz, K. (2017). Ableism, ambiguity, and the Anna Stubblefield case, Disability & Society, 32:10, 1666-1670 DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2017.1356058 (See Misleading Articles, Facilitator Crimes)

Miranda, P. (2014) Comments and a personal reflection on the persistence of facilitated communication, Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 8 (2), 102-110. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2014.99742 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Montague, Jules. (2018, January). Apple’s Autism Ad of Magical Thinking. The Verge. January 2018. (See Critiques of FC)

Montee, B. B., Miltenberger, R. G., & Wittrock, D. (1995). An experimental analysis of facilitated communication. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 28, 189-200. (See Controlled Studies)

Moore, Donovan and Hudson. (1993). Brief report: Facilitator-suggested conversational evaluation of facilitated communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Vol 23 (3); 541-552. DOI: 10.1007/BF01046055 (See Controlled Studies)

Moore, S., Donovan, B., Hudson, A., Dykstra, J. and Lawrence, J. (1993a). Evaluation of eight case studies of facilitated communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 23, 531-9. (See Systematic Reviews)

Moore S., Donovan, B. and Hudson, A. (1993b). Facilitator- suggested conversational evaluation of facilitated communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 23, 541-52. (See Systematic Reviews)

Morgenstern, Joe (2021, January 7th). ‘The Reason I Jump’ Review: Brightening the Autism Spectrum. Wall Street Journal. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Mostert, M. (2015, January 7). An Activist Approach to Debunking FC. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 39 (3), 203-210. DOI: 10.1177/1540796914556779 (See Science and Skepticism)

Mostert, M. (2012). Facilitated Communication: The empirical imperative to prevent further professional malpractice. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 6 (1), 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2012.693840 (See False Allegations)

Mostert, M. (2010). Facilitated communication and Its legitimacy — Twenty-first century developments. Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal, 18 (1), 31-41. DOI: 10.1080/09362830903462524 (See Systematic Reviews, Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Mostert, M. (2001, June). Facilitated communication since 1995: A review of published studies. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31 (3), 287-313. DOI: 10.1023/A:1010795219886. (See Systematic Reviews, Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Mostert, Mark. (1994, Winter). The More Things Change: New Ideas, Old Directions? Beyond Behavior. 5 (2), 17-18. (See Critiques of FC)

Mulholland, Paddy. (2021). The Reason I Jump. Spectrum Culture. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

Mulick, J.A., Jacobson, J.W., and Kobe, F.H. (1993, Spring). Anguished Silence and Helping Hands: Autism and Facilitated Communication. Skeptical Inquirer. 17 (3). (See Critiques of FC)

Muller, Jordan. (2018, June 17). Academics criticize conference co-hosted by SU. The Daily Orange. (See Critiques of FC)

Murray, Steve. (2005, May 21). The world of autism as seen from the inside. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Saturday Home Edition), Living, pp. 3C. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

Myles, B., & Simpson, R. L. (1994). Facilitated communication with children diagnosed as autistic in public school settings. Psychology in the Schools, 31, 208-220. DOI: 10.1002/1520-6807(199407)31:3<208::AID-PITS2310310306>3.0.CO;2-Z (See Controlled Studies)

Myles, B., Simpson, R. L., & Smith, S. M. (1996a). Collateral behavior and social effects of using facilitated communications with individuals with autism. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 11, 163-169, 190. (See Controlled Studies)

Myles, B. S, Simpson, R. L., & Smith, S. M. (1996b). Impact of facilitated communication combined with direct instruction on academic performance of individuals with autism. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 11, 37-44. DOI: 10.1177/108835769601100105 (See Controlled Studies)

Nakajima, S. (2003, May-June). The ‘Miracle Poet’ case: Japanese media fooled by the Doman method and Facilitated Communication (Special Report). Skeptical Inquirer. 27 (3), 12-13. (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Napoliello, Alex. (2018, May 11). No more prison for ex-Rutgers professor who sexually assaulted disabled student. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Niemi, J. and Karna-Lin, E. (2002). Grammar and lexicon in facilitated communication: A linguistic authorship analysis of a Finnish case. Mental Retardation. 40 (5), 347-357. DOI: 10.1352/0047-6765(2002)040<0347:GALIFC>2.0.CO;2 (See Systematic Reviews, Critiques of Pro FC Articles, Misleading Articles)

Normand, M.P. (2008, Winter). Science, Skepticism, and Applied Behavior Analysis. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1 (2), 42-49. DOI: 10.1007/BF03391727 (See Science and Skepticism)

Novella, Stephen. (2019, December 18). Decision Against Spelling to Communicate - A Small Victory for Science. Science-Based Medicine. (See FC and the Legal System)

Novella, S. (2018, March 14). Facilitated communication rears its ugly head again. Science-Based Medicine. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Ochs, E., Solomon, O., and Sterponi, L. (2005). Limitations and transformations of habitus in Child-Directed Communication. Discourse Studies, 7:(4-5), 547-583. DOI: 10.1177/1461445605054406 (See Misleading Articles)

O’Donoghue, P. (2006, April 4). A dose of cynicism. The Irish Times, pp. 2. (See Critiques of FC)

Olney, M.F. (2001). Evidence of Literacy in Individuals Labeled with Mental Retardation, Disability Studies Quarterly, 21:2 (See Misleading Articles)

Ostrolenk, A., Forgeot d’Arc, B., Jelenic, P., Samson, F., & Mottron, L. (2017). Hyperlexia: Systematic review, neurocognitive modelling, and outcome, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 79, 134-149. DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.04.029 (See Misleading Articles)

Oswald, D. P. (1994). Facilitator influence in facilitated communication. Journal of Behavioral Education, 4, 191-199. DOI: 10.1007/BF01544112 (See Controlled Studies)

Ovalle, D., and Gurney, K. (2018, March 8). How a teacher’s ‘junk science’ landed a dad in jail on charge of raping his autistic son. Miami Herald. (See False Allegations)

Palfreman, J. (2012) The dark legacy of FC. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 6 (1), 14-17. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2012.688343 (See False Allegations)

Palfreman, J. (Producer). (1993, October 19). Frontline: Prisoners of silence. Boston, MA: WGBH Public Television. (See Critiques of FC)

Palmer, Alasdair. (2008, June 29). This illogical law makes children the real victims. The Sunday Telegraph. London, (UK). p. 6 (See False Allegations)

Papp, L. (1996, January 21). Autism ‘miracle’ a nightmare for family. The Toronto Star (Sunday Second Edition), pp. NEWS, pp. A1. (See False Allegations)

Parascandola, Rocco. (2023, January 4). Pharma Millionaire Gigi Jordan died of suicide on eve of return to prison for autistic son’s killing, says NYC medical examiner. New York Daily News. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Patten, Melanie. (2017, March 18). Doug Currie, Former P.E.I. Health Minister, Treated Autistic Woman’s Family in ‘Deplorable’ Manner. Huffington Post. (See False Allegations)

Paynter J, Luskin-Saxby S, Keen D, Fordyce K, Frost G, Imms C, et al. (2019) Evaluation of a template for countering misinformation—Real-world Autism treatment myth debunking. PLoS ONE 14(1). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210746 (See Science and Skepticism)

Peña, Edlyn Vallejo ed., (2019). Communication Alternatives in Autism: Perspectives on Typing and Spelling Approaches for the Nonspeaking. Toplight Books. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Price, GR & Kirkpatrick,MA (1993, May), Clinical and psychometric data on facilitated communication. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago. also Saxe, CD, Kirkpatrick, M, and Price G. (1993, June). Facilitated Communication: a validation procedure and outcome. Unpublished manuscript. Datahr Rehabilitation Institute, Brookfield, CT [Available from Kelly Smith, Ruder-Finn, 501 East 57th Street, New York, NY 10022]. (conference papers) (See Controlled Studies)

Prior, Margot and Cummins, Robert. (1992). Questions about Facilitated Communication and Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Vol. 22 (2); 331-337. (See Systematic Reviews)

Probst , P . (2005) . “Communication unbound – or unfound ” ? Ein integratives Literatur-Review zur Wirksamkeit der ‘ Gest ü tzten Kommunikation ’ ( ‘ Facilitated Communication/FC ’ ) beinichtsprechenden autistischen und intelligenzgeminderten Personen . Zeitschrift f ü r Klinische Psychologie, Psychiatrie un (See Systematic Reviews)

Radford, B. and Frazier, K. (2017, January-February). Psychology Led Astray: Cargo Cult in Science and Therapy. Skeptical Inquirer. 41 (1); 61. (See Treatments that Cause Harms)

Randi, J. (2017, July/August). The farce known as ‘FC’. Skeptical Inquirer, 41 (4). (See Critiques of FC)

Regal, R. A., Rooney, J. R., & Wandas, T. (1994). Facilitated communication: An experimental evaluation. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 24, 345-355. DOI: 10.1007/BF02172232 (See Controlled Studies)

Reis, H. (2017, March 13). Those who doubt rapid prompting method should come meet me. Washington Post. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Repp, Alan, C. (1994, March). Frontline, Facilitated Communication, and Stephen Jay Gould. Journal of Behavioral Education. 4 (1), 1-5. (See Critiques of FC)

Riggott, Julie (Spring/Summer 2005). Pseudoscience in Autism Treatment: Are the News and Entertainment Media Helping or Hurting? The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice. Vol. 4 (1). (See Critiques of FC)

Rising, G. (2001, January 8). ‘Miraculous’ autism treatment stirs concern. Buffalo News (Final Edition), New York, pp. 2B. (See Critiques of FC)

Rogers, S. J. (2006). Evidence-based interventions for language development in young children with autism. In T. Charman & W. Stone (Eds.), Social & communication development in autism spectrum disorders: Early identification, diagnosis, & intervention (p. 143–179). The Guilford Press. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Rule, Andrew. (May 14, 2012). The tale of Rosemary's baby: The story behind the case that divided Melbourne. Herald Sun. Parts One through Three (See Critiques of FC)

Rumbelow, H. (2000, July 13). Autistic son’s language aid led to abuse charge. The Times (London). (See False Allegations)

Sabin, LA, and Donnellan, AM (1993). A qualitative study of the process of Facilitated Communication. Journal of the Association for the Severely Handicapped, 18, 200-211. 10.1177/154079699301800306 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Saloviita, T. (2018). Does Linguistic Analysis Confirm the Validity of Facilitated Communication? Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 33 (2), 91-99. DOI: 10.1177/1088357616646075. (See Systematic Reviews)

Saloviita, T, Leppanen, M, and Ojalammi, U. (2014). Authorship in facilitated communication: An analysis of 11 cases. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 30:3, 213-225. DOI: 10.3109/07434618.2014.927529 (See Controlled Studies)

Saloviita, T. and Sariola, H. (2003, November). Authorship in Facilitated Communication: A Re-Analysis of a Case of Assumed Representative Authentic Writing. Mental Retardation. 41 (5); 374-379; Discussion 380-385. DOI: 10.1352/0047-6765(2003)41<374:AIFCAR>2.0.CO;2 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles, FC in the Media: Movies)

Savarese, Ralph. (2007). Reasonable People: A Memoir of Autism and Adoption. Other Press. (See FC in the Media: Books)

Scheibel, Gretchen, Zane, Thomas L., and Zimmerman, Kathleen N. (2022). An Economic Evaluation of Emerging and Ineffective Interventions: Examining the Role of Cost When Translating Research into Practice. Exceptional Children. Vol. 88 (3), pp. 1-18. DOI: 10.1177/00144029211073522 (See Critiques of FC)

Schlosser, R.W., Balandin, S., Hemsley, B., Iacono, T., Probst, P., Von Tetzchner, S. (2014). Facilitated communication and authorship: A systematic review, Augmentative and Alternative Communication. 30 (4), 359-368. DOI: 10.3109/07434618.2014.971490 (See Systematic Reviews)

Schlosser, R.W., Hemsley, B., Shane, H. et al. (2019). Rapid prompting method and autism spectrum disorder: Systematic review exposes lack of evidence. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 6, 403–412. (See Systematic Reviews)

Schlosser, Ralf W. and Prabhu, Anjali. (2024, February 5). Interrogating Neurotypical Bias in Facilitated Communication, Rapid Prompting Method, and Spelling 2 Communicate Through a Humanistic Lens. Current Developmental Disorders Reports. (See Critiques of FC)

Schlosser, R.W. and Wendt, O. (2008). Facilitated communication is contraindicated as a treatment choice; A meta-analysis is still to be done. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 2 (2), 81-83. DOI: 10.1080/17489530802295121 (See Critiques of FC)

Schreibman, Laura. (2005). Miracle Cures or Bogus Treatments. In The Science and Fiction of Autism. Harvard University Press. pp. 202-227. (See Critiques of FC)

Scopesi, A., Zanobini, M., and Cresci, L.R. (2003). Aspetti semantici e stilitici della produzione di un bambino autistico in situazione di communicazione facilitata [Semantic and stylistic aspects of the texts produced by a child with autism through facilitated communication]. Rivista di Psycolinguistica Applicata, 2 (3), 83-105. (See Systematic Reviews)

Senapathy, Kavin. (2018, July 17). On Unsubstantiated Yet Prevalent Therapeutic Interventions for Autism [Part II]. Skeptical Inquirer. (See Science and Skepticism)

Shane, Howard C. (1994). Facilitated communication: The clinical and social phenomenon. San Diego, California: Singular Publishing Co. ISBN 1-56593-341-9 (See Critiques of FC)

Shane, Howard C., (2015). Enhancing Communication for Individuals with Autism: A Guide to the Visual Immersion System. Brookes Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-59857-221-6 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Shane, HC & Kearns, K. (1994). An examination of the role of the facilitator in facilitated communication. American Journal of Speech and Language Pathology, 50, 750-765. DOI: 10.1044/1058-0360.0303.48 (See Controlled Studies, Critiques of FC)

Sharma, Shweta. (2023, January 2). Pharma executive found dead hours after Supreme Court weighs in on sentence for killing autistic son. Independent. (See Facilitator Crimes)

Sheehan, C. M., & Matuozzi, R. T. (1996). Investigation of the validity of facilitated communication through disclosure of unknown information. Mental Retardation, 34, 94-107. (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Sherry, M. (2016, March 16). Facilitated communication, Anna Stubblefield and disability studies. Disability and Society. 31 (7), 974-982. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2016.1218152 (See Facilitator Crimes)

Shoener, R.F., Kinnealey, M., & Koenig, K.P. (2008). You can know me now if you listen: sensory, motor, and communication issues in a nonverbal person with autism, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62:5, 547-553 DOI:10.5014/ajot.62.5.547 (See Misleading Articles)

Siegel, Byrna. (1995). Brief report: Assessing allegations of sexual molestation made through facilitated communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Vol 25 (3); 319-326. DOI: 10.1007/BF02179293 (See Controlled Studies, False Allegations)

Sigafoos, J. and Schlosser, R. (2012) An experiential account of facilitated communication. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 6 (1), 1-2. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2012.710992 (See False Allegations)

Simmons, W..P., Boynton, J., and Landman, T. (2021, February). Facilitated Communication, Neurodiversity, and Human Rights. Human Rights Quarterly. Volume 43 (1), 138-167. DOI: 10.1353/hrq.2021.0005 (See Critiques of FC)

Simon, Toll, and Whitehair. (1994). A naturalistic approach to the validation of facilitated communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Vol 24 (5); 647-657. DOI: 10.1007/BF02172144 (See Controlled Studies)

Simon, E. W., Whitehair, P. M., & Toll, D. M. (1996). A case study: Follow-up assessment of facilitated communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 26, 9-18. DOI: 10.1007/BF02276232 (See Controlled Studies)

Simpson, R. (2005, August). Evidence-based practices and students with autism spectrum disorders. Focus on Autism & Other Developmental Disorders, 20 (3). DOI: 10.1177/10883576050200030201 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Simpson, R. L., & Myles, B. S. (1995). Facilitated communication and children with disabilities: An enigma in search of a perspective. Focus on Exceptional Children, 27, 1-16. Simpson, R. L., & Myles, B. S. (1995). Effectiveness of facilitated communication with children and youth with autism. Journal of Special Education, 28, 424-439. DOI: 10.1177/002246699502800403 (See Controlled Studies)

Singer, G.H.S., Horner, R.H., Dunlap, G., and Wang, M. (2014). Standards of proof: TASH, facilitated communication, and the science-based practices movement. Research and Practices for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 39 (3), 178-188. DOI: 10.1177/1540796914558831 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Sitz, Lindsey. (2020, April 2). What we can learn about this covid-19 time from a nonspeaking autistic teen. The Washington Post. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Smith and Belcher. (1993). Brief report: Facilitated communication with adults with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 23 (1), 175-183. DOI: 10.1007/BF01066426 (See Controlled Studies)

Smith, M. D., Haas, P. J., & Belcher, R. G. (1994). Facilitated communication: The effects of facilitator knowledge and level of assistance on output. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 24, 357-367. DOI: 10.1007/BF02172233 (See Controlled Studies)

Smith, Tristram & Iadarola, Suzannah (2015). Evidence base update for autism spectrum disorder, Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 44 (6), 897-922. DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2015.1077448 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Sobel, S. (2018). Facilitated communication redux: Persistence of a discredited technique. Skeptic, 23 (3). (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Sobel, S. (2021, September). How Science Works (and Why Pseudoscience Fails). Skeptic. 26.3; 56-59. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Solochek, Jeffrey S. (2020, December 3). Grace is 14, autistic and ‘smarter than anyone knew.’ Tampa Bay News. (See FC in the Media: Pro FC Articles in the News)

Spitz, H. (1997). Nonconscious Movements: From Mystical Messages to Facilitated Communication. Routledge. ISBN 978-0805825633 (See Ideomotor Response)

Starr, Robert. (2014, October 23). Ouija board illusion is a result of ideomotor effect. The Daily Texan. (See Ideomotor Response)

Stone, Lyn. My non-verbal child: it doesn’t get any better than this. Lifelong Literacy. (See Critiques of FC)

Sturgess, K. (2018, June 29). On animals, language, Koko, and wish-fulfilment. Skeptical Inquirer. (See Critiques of FC)

Sturmey, P. (2003, October). Typing in Tongues: Interesting Observations on Facilitated Communication Do Not Establish Authorship. Mental Retardation. 41 (5), 386-387. DOI: 10.1352/0047-6765(2003)41<386:TITIOO>2.0.CO;2 (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles, FC in the Media: Movies)

Sunstrom. (2014, October 16). I love him: disability carer faces court over love affair. Sunshine Coast Daily (Queensland). (See Facilitator Crimes)

Szempruch, J. and Jacobson, J.W. (1993). Evaluating facilitated communications of people with developmental disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities. Vol 14 (4), 253-264. DOI: 10.1016/0891-4222(93)90020-k (See Controlled Studies, Systematic Reviews)

Szempruch, J. and Jacobson, J.W. (1993). Evaluating facilitated communications of people with developmental disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities 14, 253- 64. (See Systematic Reviews)

Tager-Flusberg, H., & Kasari, C. (2013). Minimally verbal school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder: The neglected end of the spectrum, Autism Research: Official Journal of the International Society for Autism Research, 6:6. DOI: 10.1002/aur.1329 (See Misleading Articles)

Teodoro, J., Meinhold, P., & Koch, E. (1993, May). Validating and invalidating claims of facilitated ccommunication. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago.; also Meinhold, P. (1993, August). A clinical method for testing claims of Facilitated Communication. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto. (See Controlled Studies)

Thompson, Travis. (1994). Communication Unbound: How Facilitated Communication is Challenging Traditional Views of Autism and Ability/Disability. American Journal on Mental Retardation. 98 (5), 670-673. (See Critiques of FC)

Todd, J. T. (2016). Old horses in new stables: Rapid prompting, facilitated communication, science, ethics, and the history of magic, in R. Foxx & J.A. Mulick (Eds). Controversial Therapies for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities: Fad, Fashion, and Science in Professional Practice, 2nd edition, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 372-409. (See Critiques of FC)

Todd , J.T. (2012) The moral obligation to be empirical: Comments on Boynton's “Facilitated Communication—what harm it can do: Confessions of a former facilitator”. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 6 (1), 36-57. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2012.704738 (See False Allegations)

Torres, E.B., & Donnellan, A.M., eds. (2013-2015). Autism: The movement perspective (2013-2015). Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. (See Misleading Articles)

Torres, E.B., & Donnellan, A.M. (2015, March 16). Editorial for research topic “Autism: the movement perspective”. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fnint.2015.00012 (See Misleading Articles)

Tostanoski, A., (2014, August). Voices from the past: Comparing the rapid prompting method and facilitated communication. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 17 (4), 219-223. DOI: 10.3109/17518423.2012.749952 (See Critiques of FC)

Travers, J., et al. (2015, January 7). Facilitated communication denies people with disabilities their voice. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 39 (3), 195-202. DOI: 10.1177/1540796914556778 (See Critiques of FC)

Travers, Jason C. (2020). Rapid Prompting Method is Not Consistent with Evidence-Based Reading Instruction for Students with Autism. Perspectives on Language and Literacy. 31-34. (See Critiques of FC)

Travers, Jason C. and Pennington, Robert C. (2023).Supporting Student Agency in Communication Intervention: Alternatives to Spelling to Communicate and Other Unproven Fads. Teaching Exceptional Children. DOI: 10.1177/00400599231171759 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Trembath, D., Paynter, J., Keen, D., and Ecker, U.K.H. (2016) “Attention: myth follows!” Facilitated communication, parent and professional attitudes towards evidence-based practice, and the power of misinformation. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Tsouderos, T. (2010, February 18). Doctor: Coma patient wasn't communicating: Tests show therapist, not crash victim, was typing out thoughts seen worldwide. Chicago Tribune, pp. 1.18. (See False Claims)

Tuzzi, A. (2009). Grammar and lexicon in individuals with autism: A quantitative analysis of a large Italian corpus. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 47, 373-385. DOI: 10.1352/1934-9556-47.5.373 (See Systematic Reviews, Misleading Articles)

Tuzzi, A., Cemin, M., and Castagna, M. (2004). “Moved deeply I am.” Autistic language in texts produced with FC. Journees internationales d’Analyse statistique des Donnees Textuelles, 7, 1097-1105. (See Systematic Reviews, Misleading Articles)

Twachtman-Cullen, Diane. (1997). A passion to believe: Autism and the facilitated communication phenomenon (Essays in Developmental Science). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. ISBN 978-0813390987 (See Critiques of FC)

Vazquez, C. A. (1995). Failure to confirm the word-retrieval problem hypothesis in facilitated communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 25, 597-610. DOI: 10.1007/BF02178190 (See Controlled Studies, Critiques of FC)

Verkaik, Robert. (2008, January 30). Police face legal challenge over criminal records checks. The Independent. London, (UK). p. 36 (See False Allegations)

Viadero, D. (1993, November 17). Facilitated Communication Under New Scrutiny. Education Week. (See False Allegations)

Von Tetzchner, S. (2012) Understanding facilitated communication: Lessons from a former facilitator—Comments on Boynton. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 6 (1), 28-35. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2012.699729 (See False Allegations)

Von Tetzchner, S. (1997, January 1). Historical issues in intervention research: Hidden knowledge and facilitating techniques in Denmark. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 32 (1), 1-18. DOI: 10.3109/13682829709021453 (See Critiques of FC)

Von Tetzchner, S. (1996, June 1). Facilitated, automatic and false communication: current issues in the use of facilitating techniques. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 11 (2), 151-166. DOI: 10.1080/0885625960110201 (See Critiques of FC)

Vyse, Stuart (2023, May 16). The Journal Nature Falls for Autism Pseudoscience. Skeptical Inquirer. (See Critiques of FC)

Vyse, Stuart. (2022, May 2). The Mind’s Best Trick. In The Uses of Delusion: Why It’s Not Always Rational to Be Rational. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190079957 (See Ideomotor Response)

Vyse, S. (2021, March 30). Beware the Child Rescuers. Skeptical Inquirer. (See Critiques of FC)

Vyse, Stuart. (2020, May 20). Of Eye Movements and Autism: The Latest Chapter in A Continuing Controversy. Skeptical Inquirer. (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Vyse, Stuart. (2020, March/April). A Small Victory for Science in Suburban Philadelphia. Skeptical Inquirer. (See FC and the Legal System)

Vyse, S. (2018). An Artist with a Science-Based Mission. Skeptical Inquirer. (See False Allegations)

Vyse, S. (2018, April 28). Syracuse, Apple (and autism pseudoscience. Skeptical Inquirer. (See Critiques of FC)

Vyse, S. (2018, March 1). The enduring legend of the changeling. Skeptical Inquirer. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Vyse, S. (2015, May 11). Facilitated communication: The fad that will not die. Skeptical Inquirer. (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Wang, L.A.L., Petrulla, V., Zampella, C.J., Waller, R., & Schultz, R.T. (2022). Gross motor impairment and its relation to social skills in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and two meta-analyses. Psychological Bulletin, DOI: 10.1037/bul0000358 (See Misleading Articles)

Wegner, D.M. and Erskine, J.A.K. (2003, February 27). Voluntary involuntariness: Thought suppression and the regulation of the experience of will. Consciousness and Cognition, 12, 684-694. DOI: 10.1016/s1053-8100(03)00054-0 (See Ideomotor Response)

Wegner, DM, Fuller, VA, Sparrow, B. (2003, July). Clever hands: Uncontrolled intelligence in facilitated communication. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 85 (1): 5-19. DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.85.1.5 (See Controlled Studies, Ideomotor Response)

Wehrenfennig, A., & Surian, L. (2008). Autismo e comunicazione facilitata: Una rassegna degli studi sperimentali [Autism and facilitated communication: A review of the experimental studies]. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 12(3), 437–464. (See Systematic Reviews)

Weiss, M.J., Wagner, S.H., and Bauman, M.L. (1996, August). A validated case study of facilitated communication. Mental Retardation, 34 (4), 220-30. (See Systematic Reviews, Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Welch, C., Polatajko, H., Rigby, P., & Fitch, M. (2019). Autism inside out: Lessons from the memoirs of three minimally verbal youths:19, 2308-2316 DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1465133 (See Misleading Articles)

Whalon K. J., Al Otaiba S., Delano M. E. (2009). Evidence-based reading instruction for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 24(1):3-16. DOI: 10.1177/1088357608328515 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Wheeler, DL, Jacobson, JW, Paglieri, RA, and Schwartz, AA. (1993). An experimental assessment of facilitated communication. Mental Retardation. Vol 31 (1), 49-60. (See Controlled Studies, Systematic Reviews)

Whitehurst, G.J. and Crone, D.A. (1994, September 1). Article commentary: Social constructivism, positivism, and facilitated communication. The Journal of the Association of Persons with Severe Handicaps, 19, 191-195. DOI: 10.1177/154079699401900306 (See Evidence-Based Practices)

Wichert, Bill. (2016, October 25). Rutgers prof convicted in sex assault of disabled man ordered to pay $4M. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2016, January 24). Convicted professor’s jailhouse letter: I loved disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2016, January 15). Professor sentenced to prison for sexual assault of disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, December 10). Professor loses bid to throw out conviction for sex assault of disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, November 8). Professor looks to overturn conviction for sex assault of disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, October 3). Juror explains why professor was convicted of sexually assaulting disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, October 2). Professor found guilty of sexually assaulting disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, October 1). Jury begins deliberations in professor’s sex assault trial. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, September 25). Professor rejects claim she ‘rape’ disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill (2015, September 24). Professor had ‘just a regular relationship’ with disabled man, she says in Court. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, September 23). Professor begins consent defense in alleged sex assault of disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, September 18). Disabled man could not consent to sex in professor’s abuse case, expert says. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, September 17). Professor accused of bruising disabled man during sex assault. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, September 11). Professor, accused of sex assault, declares love for disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, September 10). Professor goes on trial in alleged sexual abuse of disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, September 9). Is professor using ‘Ouija Board’ science to defend herself in sex abuse case? NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, August, 25). Jury selection to begin in Rutgers professor’s sex assault trial. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, August 20). Controversial technique at center of professor’s sex assault trial. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, August 13). Judge sets rules for professor’s testimony at sex assault trial. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, March 26). Trial date set for Rutgers professor charged with sexual assault of mentally disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, February 20). Expert can’t prove she can communicate with disabled man who may be victim of sex assault, judge rules. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2015, January 8). Judge OKs document detailing Rutgers professor’s sexual relations with mentally disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2014, December 11). Rutgers professor accused of sexual assault fights to bar document from trial. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Wichert, Bill. (2014, November 13). Hearings set for Rutgers professor accused of sexually assaulting mentally disabled man. NJ Advance Media for (See Facilitator Crimes)

Williams, R.M. (2020). Falsified incompetence and other lies the positivists told me, Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9:5, 214-244 DOI: h10.15353/cjds.v9i5.696 (See Misleading Articles)

Wilson, M., de Jonge, D., de Souza, N., and Carlson, G. (2014, January). Facilitated Communication Training: Exploration of perceptions of ability and reducing physical support. Disability Studies Quarterly. 34 (1). DOI: (See Critiques of Pro FC Articles)

Wisely, J. (2007, December 19). Charged with abuse, mom is allowed to visit her son. McClatchy-Tribune Business News (Washington). (See False Allegations)

Wisely, J.; Brasier, L L. (2008, March 11). Dad of autistic West Bloomfield girl nearly free of rape charges: She won't testify, so case collapses. McClatchy - Tribune Business News (Washington). (See False Allegations)

Wisely, J.; Dickerson, B. Rape charges dropped against father West Bloomfield: Autistic girl, 15, would not testify, prosecutors say. McClatchy -Tribune Business News (Washington). (See False Allegations)

Wisely, J.; Brasier, L L. (2008, April 27). Oakland fumbles sex case charges: Overeager prosecutions can ruin lives, some say. McClatchy - Tribune Business News (Washington). (See False Allegations)

Wisely, J.; Brasier, L.L. (2011, January 13). Dad’s arrest in sex case results in $1.8 million settlement. Gannett News Service, pp. ARC (See False Allegations)

Witkowski, T. (2016, July 20). Psychology Led Astray: Cargo Cult in Science and Therapy. Brown Walker Press. ISBN: 978-1627346092 (See Treatments that Cause Harms)

Wombles, K. (2015, February 18). Some fads never die—they only hide behind other names: Facilitated Communication is not and never will be Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention. 8 (4), 181-186. DOI: 10.1080/17489539.2015.1012780 (See Critiques of FC)

Wombles, K. (2011, April 4). Facilitated Communication: Bandwagon Endorsements; It All Feels Good. Science 2.0. (See FC in the Media: Movies)

Wombles, Kim. (2010, May 22). Why Rapid Prompting Method Still Doesn’t Pass the Evidence-Based Test. Science 2.0 (See Critiques of FC)

Woodfield, C., & Ashby, C. (2016). ‘The right path of equality’: supporting high school students with autism who type to communicate, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 20:4, 435-454 (See Misleading Articles)

Woodfield, C. & Freedman, J. (2021). Barriers to knowing and being known: Constructions of (in)competence in research, Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 28(2) 70-208 (See Misleading Articles)

Wright, Peggy. (2016, June 30). Denville man accused of molesting autistic woman admitted into PTI. Daily Record. (See False Allegations)

Zane, Thomas. (2012, February 15). A Review of the Soma Rapid Prompt Method. Organization for Autism Research (blog). (See Critiques of FC)

Zirkel, Perry A. (1995, June). Facilitated Communication of Child Abuse? The Phi Delta Kappan. 76 (10), 815-817. (See FC and the Legal System)

Zonabini, M. and Scopesi, A. (2001). La comunicazione facilitata in un bambino autistico [Facilitated communication of a child with autism]. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 3, 395-421. (See Systematic Reviews)