2024 Year in Review

2024 was a busy year for FC/S2C/RPM practitioners. Alas, none of them provided us with reliably controlled evidence to prove their claims of independent communication. Maybe next year?

In any event, thank you to those of you who sent us links to FC-related events, asked questions, and provided feedback. We covered topics ranging from authorship to FC/S2C/RPM in the legal system.

In case you missed them, here are links to our 2024 blog posts:

Facilitator Cueing and Control

Can facilitators NOT cue their clients, even if they wanted to? (Hint: It’s not likely)

How Effectively does the Ideomotor Response Explain Cueing in Facilitated Communication? - Part 1

How Effectively does the Ideomotor Response Explain Cueing in Facilitated Communication? - Part 2

Inadvertent cueing: all teachers and communication partners are susceptible, but facilitators most of all

Unreliable speech? “So they tell me, and they certainly speak truth, for my Lady says the same”

What we can learn about FC, the Pseudo-ESP Phenomenon, and Facilitator Cueing from Kezuka’s “The Role of Touch in Facilitated Communication”

FC/S2C/RPM and the Legal System

Call for a Rigorous and Scrupulous Investigation of FC/S2C/RPM Whenever the Techniques are Used in the Classroom

FC/S2C/RPM in the Media

Actually this is mostly about you—and (indirectly) about FC

A psychologist overlooks the science and a journalist, the full story

Do proponents mean “Ask Me Anything” about spelling (aka FC)?

Falling for Happiness Falls: Is it too much to ask we overcome our skepticism and just believe?

News Roundup, May 2022 to April, 2024: Uncritical reports of S2C and RPM breakthroughs

RFK Jr. and FC-Adjacent Beliefs: from chelation to Planet X to calculus in a day

Some possible revelations on what goes on in facilitators’ heads when they facilitate big projects

Tell Them It’s Not Hate Speech: FC, facilitator crimes, and the ethically compromised world of disability studies

Thoughts about “Tell Them You Love Me,” Anna Stubblefield, and FC/S2C/RPM

What Forbes Contributor Steven Aquino Forgot to Mention about the Spellers Method

What isn’t new: Credulous reporters promoting FC/S2C/RPM

What Reporter Natalie Beneviat from Trib Live forgot to mention about RPM

History of FC/S2C/RPM

A long history of derision and embarrassment for Syracuse University’s support of FC

Announcing a new page at FacilitatedCommunication.org: Organizations Supporting FC

Announcing a second new page at FacilitatedCommunication.org: Evidence-Based Practitioners Using FC

FC/S2C/RPM and False Allegations of Abuse

Has FC changed since the early 1990s? Part 2

Reaction to a 1994 Article I Wrote about my Experiences with FC

Response to Reader Question: Has FC changed since the early 1990s? - Part 1

The “evolution” of FC: Making FC look more convincing

Literature Reviews

Analysis of “Evaluation of a Mechanical Hand-Support for Facilitated Communication” Using Criteria from Crossley’s book on FCT

Analysis of “Who’s Doing the Pointing: Investigating Facilitated Communication in a Classroom Setting with Students with Autism”

Does Bernardi and Tuzzi’s 2011 Analysis of FC Prove…Anything?

Ethical Issues Related to FC Then and Now: Review of Dayan and Minnes (1995)

Facilitated messages attributed to different people show distinctive styles, but this fails to rule out complete facilitator control

From Literacy to “Support Needs” to “Communication Boards”: How vague guidelines enable non-evidence based claims and practices

Illusions of literacy in nonspeaking autistic people: a response to Jaswal et al. 2024

In which Vikram Jaswal fails to establish the authenticity of S2C for non-speakers

Narrowing Responses to Questions by Using Facilitator Prompts? Review of Sheehan and Matuozzi (1996)

Thoughts about credulity, willful ignorance, science and pseudoscience in FC/S2C/RPM

Virtual facilitation: a means to independence or yet another high-tech distraction?

Speech, Language, and Motor Issues

Early Works by Barry Prizant: Laying the groundwork for disbelief in FC

New takes on apraxia, miracles, presuming competence et al. from S2C proponents

Recapping some reasons why language is impaired in autism—and why degree of impairment correlates with autism severity

Recent findings about language comprehension in minimal speakers with autism

Thoughts about SLPs, AAC, and FC/RPM (but mostly AAC)

Why apraxia can’t explain away the need for physical touch, held-up letter boards, or hovering prompters

Why FC proponents constantly invoke apraxia and how they’ve got it all wrong

Testing FC/S2C/RPM

Myths about myths, validity, and natural message-passing tests, Part 1

Myths about myths, validity, and natural message-passing tests, Part 2

Questions to ask facilitators and yourself while observing FC/S2C/RPM sessions

Thoughts about a reader’s suggestion that I “Grow the (Beep) Up”

Why Won’t You Accept My Anecdotes as Proof of Independent Communication?


Happy New Year!


Ethical Issues Related to FC Then and Now: Review of Dayan and Minnes (1995)